Lengwe's Blog

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Hey there! I am so happy that you decided to visit this site. I share about my life, views and pretty much anything else.

Mental health: my experience and journey.

Have you ever lived through days marred with so much sadness that you can’t imagine yourself going beyond that point?…

Rape and Rape culture

Some misconceptions addressed . Some time ago, I got into a discussion with my male friends about enthusiastic sober consent and while we were at it, I decided to mention that even if a person reaches an orgasm during rape that does not take away from the fact that they had been raped. Do you…


Sexual consent Sexual consent is consent to engage in sexual activity. Sexual activity without consent is considered rape or other sexual assault. I believe by now everybody gets the picture, I mean, we probably encounter this phrase a lot; more so if you are my friend.So… consent- we know what it is but do we…

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About Lengwe Bobo

Believer. Activist. Pan-Africanist. Female. Pro-Female. Law major. Blogger. Lover♡…

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